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Engine and Carb quick check list
TBolt USA Tech Database!


Install Intake manifold to head and carb, oil gaskets and tighten bolts lightly at first then torque then down gradually in a cross pattern to provide a good seal and avoid air leaks

1)Throttle cable adjustment check:
a)Carb slide MUST hit bottom
b)Test it , You MUST hear the sound of the slide hitting the bottom of the carb
c)You must have free play or slack in the throttle cable
d)You must be able to turn the throttle a small amount WITHOUT moving the carb slide

2)Make sure the carb is 100% clean, free of debris and you can see light thru both main and pilot jets
You must start with a known good and properly oiled air filter 

3)Double check you valve tappet adjustment .003intake and .004exh.

4)Make sure your exhaust gasket is installed properly.

5)Make sure you have a good intake to head and intake to carb seal and NO intake leaks

6)Make sure all electrical connections are tight and you have a solid ground from the engine to the frame.
and make sure you have spark 

7)Check for good fuel flow and fresh fuel.

8)See our jetting guide and do a plug read.
And Check Our Simple Guide to Jetting TECH 

9)Make sure your head studs are tight 
110 INCH POUNDS (not Foot Pounds) on all Round Cam cover motors
16 FOOT POUNDS on all KLX Head Motors  

Flooded Engine:
IF your flooded , pull the plug , Kick it over like 10 time WITH THE PLUG OUT 
Put in a NEW PLUG

One more thing
I find at times it helps to just crack the throttle a tiny bit to let air in , just a tiny bit 

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