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Our engines use the Honda bolt pattern, and bolt into Z50, XR50, CRF50, CT70, CL70, SL70, XL70, ATC70, TRX70, DAX70, TRX90, Extreme, SDG, Sikk, Pitster Pro, Coolster, Orion, Thumpstar, OGM, Pit Pro, G2Moto, Braaap, Apollo and SSR pit bikes.
Our tech database has info about most common pit bike repairs, upgrades and troubleshooting. If you have a tip, drop us a line!
(215) 800-0026
Alt: (704) 826-5887
Our main warehouse, shop & offices are in Pennsylvania, but we often ship from other warehouses around the country.
©2004-2025 TBolt USA, LLC
225 Lincoln Hwy, Fairless Hills, PA 19030 • Website by //pale.io