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All Horizontal Pit Bike Engines

This category contains all of our available Pit Bike Engines.  All of these engines take the same bolt pattern, but have some key differences like:  Shift Pattern, Starting Style, Transmission Type, and Displacement.  Below are some key phrases to help you sort through and find the best engine for your Pit Bike, Mini Quad, Retro Honda Mini, or project.

Key Phrases

  • Semi-Auto or SEMI  An engine, like a stock Honda 50cc, where you shift with your foot, but don't use a Hand Clutch.

  • Manual Clutch  A full manual transmission style, like a full-size motocross bike, where you use the Clutch Lever to shift.

  • E-Start  Engines equipped with an Electric Starter.  E-Start engines may require additional wiring, batteries, regulators, rectifiers and other electrical equipment to setup.  E-Start can not be easily added to an engine that did not come with e-start from the factory.

  • Kick Start   Almost every engine we sell has a Kick-Starter equipped for starting the bike. It kicks-backward, toward the rear wheel, like a normal Motocross Bike.

  • Auxillary Output / Lighting Ouput  If you're planning on running head-lights, keep an eye out for the Auxillary Output or Lighting Output specification in the sale of the engine. If the engine has an Aux Electrical Out, it will output an unregulated Volts AC. Most automotive and dirt-bike applications will require a constant 12V DC, so a regulator and rectifier are needed if you intend to run lights.

  • Shift Pattern  The shift pattern explains how the shifter goes through the gears. The most common shift-pattern on our engines is Bottom Neutral, or All-Up. Most Motocross Bikes are 1-Down 4-Up, or 1N2345. The big difference between Bottom Neutral and 1-Down 4-Up is that Neutral is located at the lowest gear position. A Bottom Neutral engine makes it easier to find neutral, while also, preventing the liklihood of finding a false neutral between other gears.

  • Full Kit / Bare Engine  Keep an eye out when looking through engines for the terms full kit or with Carb and Electrical. While almost all of our engines include the complete bottom end, top end, and head assembled, with the Kick Starter and Shifter, some kits include many additional required parts. Parts that vary from kit-to-kit are the Carbuerator, Air Filter, Intake, Boot, Exhaust Gasket, Wiring Harness, Coil, CDI Box, Kill Button, Throttle Cable, Clutch Cable, and Oil Cooler. Some engines will also have a drop-down box at the bottom to add additional parts that aren't included, or upgrade from a stock part, to an upgraded part, for an additional cost.




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