Hello TBolt: now here is a tool that is worth its weight-you can set it in inches or millimeters with the push of a button and it is of course dead accurate not only is it a cold tool for measuring things that need to be somewhat close :-) but is also an excellent tool for measuring things exactly the diameter outside or inside and how deep something is.
I use it for finding the length of my side cover screws and frame bolts-all you have to do is set it and check your depth under one second and you know which screw bar should say and then you will know what screw to use when you're assembling your engine so you don't break your engine casings.
It is also handy to measure right through the frame hole to see the exact length of the bolt you need.
Besides being able to measure all your bearings shifting forks shift drum piston cylinder valve stem for wear I use it to get familiar with what exactly the sizes are on things so I know what is right and what is okay in a pinch say if you needed to use an American bolt in a metric hole application how can you know? The answer is you do not! Until you measure what you're original sizes and what the local hardware store may have :-)
Basically what I'm saying is it's a little techie but well worth the money!